What happens/happening in the village
Go to Village Hall page for regular village Hall activities & see the link on the home page for all AVA (Alvescot Village Association) for information on the fete & other events that they are organising. Scroll down for other details
Play park
The children's play park as you see is fenced of from the main field area. Benches, litter bins and a viewing platform have been provided to enhance the playing field experience...enjoy.
Thanks to Mike Hussey and the Parish Council for providing an ACE facility!
No dogs allowed
Play park view towards the tennis court/basket ball court
The MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) is being used well. However, damage is being caused to the nets by people taking them down while under tension (without the handle). Please collect the handle from Fraser Spence at Forge Cottage and take them down correctly (and put them up afterwards)
No dogs allowed
Please contact Mike Hussey :- mike.hussey3@btinternet.com
Cricket Nets
Cricket Nets are available. The nets are being damaged by people climbing on them and putting their feet through the netting...a net with big holes is of little use to keen users of the nets!
Please contact Mike Hussey:- mike.hussey3@btinternet.com